All Eyez On Data

Data visualization tools

To represent large data sets, designers use special data visualization tools. It is an easier way to deal with hundreds and thousands of data points. Once the data has been pleasantly put together, it can then be used for various purposes. The range of its application is uncountable. You can use data visualization anywhere where information needs to be immediately interpreted.

There are many tools to ease the process of showcasing data. They are visually friendly and intuitive softwares that make the data flow easier. Charts, videos, infographics and at the cutting edge even virtual reality and augmented reality (VR & AR) presentations offer increasingly engaging and intuitive channels of communication.

These tools are able to make anything. This includes simple charts and graphs and even complicated infographics. Depending on the given task and data, you have to choose the type of tool to match it.
Here are some of the best data visualization tools available today:


This is a software that offers many options available. It comes as a desktop app, a server and even as an online extension. You can import hundreds of data without a problem. You can imports CVS files, Google Analytics and Google Adds data.

It is of the best and the most robust tools for data visualization. It enables you to share the visualized data with other business owners. Your data here is secured and helps resolve data-relating issues. It can also be integrated with more than 250 applications.


This is yet another data visualization software. You can use it to convert raw data to get final results. This is a tool that supports many various forms of data visualization. You can report data without any complexities. It can analyze data that comes from multiple sources. It does this within a single application. With this, you can also identify trends to drive better decisions.


This is a tool that can be used for many purposes. It offers lots of resources that you can implement in your project. You can use Visme to create blogs and reposts. Visme is also great if you want to present data for more complicated works such as social media, school presentations and research reports.


This is an online data visualization tool that is versatile by nature. Its use is broad and extensive. This software offers around 30 different types of graphs and charts. They are easy to use and customize. It also comes with a social media graphics what you can use for free. This is software that is best used by business owners that want to collect and analyze their data. Companies use it to present their projects and presentations, reports and data dashboards.

But, that doesn’t mean anyone else can’t use it. If you are a content creator looking for a way to visualize your data, then this is ideal for you too. Journalists and students are also able to use it to visualize their reports and research.


This is an open-source data visualization tool. It works incredible on both desktops and mobiles. It offers an enormous range of features. For example, during your presentation, you are able to zoom into a specific area. You can also draw the marker to a particular map or location. You can also restyle the whole software by using CSS3.

It is a simple instrument that puts performance and usability in the front plan. it comes with many plug-ins, as well as a well-documented API.

How to choose the best type of data visualization tool?

There are many tools and options you can choose from. Unfortunately, not all work the best for you or your business. That is why it is important to make the right choice. Here are several things you should keep in mind before deciding for one.

Price and functionality play an enormous role when it comes to picking the best type. Although price doesn’t play that big of a role, it certainly does matter. If a tool is too expensive, you shouldn’t invest in it. Many of the most expensive tools are strictly meant for businesses that this investment doesn’t matter that much.

In conclusion, data visualization tools are a key element to an incredible presentation. When you have data points, your main goal is to transform them into usable information. And you can do that with these listed tools. Be careful when choosing which data visualization type you should use. Invest only if you know it will work.